Past 1 month I was trying to connect knot of friendship between us. But today I realised somethings aren't possible and some people do not deserve attention and care. But I am sad because my intentions weren't malicious. I hope one day that person would realise I was worth more than that :(
I've read these lines somewhere before...... ;)
"trying to connect knot of friendship" - huh really?? if u have to do that then better not have a friend like that... what if the 1 month u were trying that person so preoccupied with something else and he/she may have tried for 2 months or 3 months some other time and then even u hadnt reacted!!! who's at fault then???
ur worth will never be known to ur frnd because a true frnd is priceless.. change ur current state and u will see a lot of positives in ur frnd :)... and frnds are forever with a bond that u may or may not realise..
remember the alice song "alice's gone but im still here, i have been waiting for 25 yrs"...
just food for thought... :)...
@Anon, talked it out with that friend :-)
@ vikram : nice to hear that dude... and its just our state of mind that we tend to react to.. anyways glad to hear that u worked things out with ur frnd.. if that frnd is so special that a small tiff with her (am guessing that part :D ) made u so sad then obviously she is someone special and never let her go :)...
he he
agony aunt/uncle plz add me,
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